Have you ever wondered how singers can hold those long notes, or sing an entire phrase without having to take a breath?  Proper breathing is one of the most important elements in singing.

Breathing is something we do naturally, and is not under our conscious control.  We inhale to bring oxygen into our bloodstream, and we exhale to remove carbon dioxide.  When singing, however, we need to be aware of what we are doing, because proper breathing techniques will help improve vocal quality and tone.

How do we do it properly?

A singer should breathe in through the nose, expanding the abdomen and rib area without raising the shoulders.  Feeling relaxed is important, and we should not raise the shoulders because that puts tension on your throat.  When you inhale, you need to flatten your diaphragm (the large dome-shaped muscle under your rib cage) to keep the air supply in your lungs.

Breathing out needs to be done through the mouth.  The air supply that you have has to be released little by little when singing.  Use the diaphragm as a support to release the air to your vocal cords for effortless singing and beautiful tone.

To learn more about the basic techniques that will help you become a better singer, check out our upcoming workshops.